Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring 2011 Capstone

          Spring 2011 I had taken Capstone (Geography 401) and chose to use the Mountain Pine Beetles damaging presence throughout the West. The Mountain Pine Beetle has been growing within mainstream media and directly affecting many industries in Western forests. Scientists are currently testing many different theories ranging from global climate change to diminishing bear habitat to CO2 carbon sinks. In my project for Capstone I chose to create a descriptive model based on many of the methods used in Bio-Geography in which we as a class created a descriptive model for boa constrictors in Cayos Cochinos, Honduras. The following is a result of my findings and with more time could be used to create a predictive model for Helena National Forest. Hosted on Media Fire a file sharing and backup website, it's a great way to insure your files are safe.
         -A GIS Analysis of the Mountain Pine Beetle